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Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Diverse sedi Halle sul Saale, Germania
Halle sul Saale, Germania
Halle sul Saale, Germania
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg – for more than 500 years a place of scientific enlightenment, academic development and future-oriented research – is the largest university in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Above all, however, it is an efficient, modern full-university, which maintains the highest requirements for teaching and research. At present, more than 21000 students are enrolled in the university, which encompasses over 190 courses of study in 18 faculties and departments. There are also approx. 1500 international students from over 110 countries.

Martin Luther University remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in scientific research, which guarantee a high degree of flexibility - both during one’s studies and later in one’s professional life. This is reached by the close interlocking of research and teaching, of science and education. The university sees itself, on the one hand, as an intellectual, cultural centre in the region, one that works in close connection and collaboration with the city. On the other hand, it is fully aware of its responsibility as a research institution. This is shown by the intensive cooperation with numerous high-ranking, non-university research establishments, often located in close proximity to the university, which are also a great benefit to the very hands-on oriented training of the students.

Interdisciplinary studies are highly encouraged at Martin Luther University. For this reason, scientific centres for interdisciplinary studies are an important characteristic of the university. Here, scientists actively investigate and study specialised problems from the most diverse scientific and intellectual areas. The main goal of these centres is to recognize the possibility of new developments, through the research of respective single-disciplinary studies, and to thereby promote interdisciplinary research and teaching.

The multidisciplinary aspect of the university represents an essential part of its future profile as an international graduate school. This component was established in June 2003 as the result of a decision made by the university’s academic senate and serves in the promotion of a new scientific generation.

Teaching at Martin Luther University is also stamped with modernity. The study structure is adapted step by step to international standards, in order to provide Halle graduates with optimum chances in the labour market. In addition, internationally recognized degrees in many courses of study – often based on English-language courses – are offered. At present, a conversion to the internationally accepted two-stage study system, ending with BA and MA degrees, is taking place.

MLU maintains relationships with 34 foreign universities and research institutions, which are regulated through contracts. In addition, a multitude of cooperation agreements with foreign partners exist at the departmental, faculty and institutional levels.

The fact that Martin Luther University is steeped in tradition, yet also young and modern, is expressed through its attractive exterior. This is mirrored in the elaborately restored historic buildings found in the city centre and also in the new, modern buildings. The new arrangement of the University Square illustrates something special, as recognized by the praise of experts and professionals who see it as a prize-university campus. It ranks among some of the most beautiful places in Germany.

Many of the new buildings - particularly those of the natural sciences - are located in the western part of the city, on the Weinberg campus. This is also the place where modern requirements for an effective University Clinic of Medicine are fulfilled. Because Martin Luther University is a real "city-university", all buildings – the historical as well as the modern ones – can be reached within a short period of time.

In any case, it is worth studying and doing research at Martin Luther University; the decision for Halle is the right step for the future.

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