
IMT Atlantique

Diverse sedi Plouzané, Francia
Cesson-Sévigné, Francia
Brest, Francia
Nantes, Francia
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

We aim to put the scientific and technical excellence of IMT Atlantique at the service of education and innovation, to mobilize the expertise of our researchers in the fields of digital, energy and the environment. We endeavor to draw on our cutting-edge work, which is already influencing society and the business world, to train a new generation of engineers. But we can no longer innovate and develop new technologies without considering their ecological or societal impact. Those who embark on a career as an engineer must be aware of the role they will play in the future, the responsibilities they will have to assume, the ethical issues raised by technological developments, such as equipping humans with new faculties, relying on artificial intelligence, or evolving in an ultra-connected world.

Our mission at IMT Atlantique is to prepare the new generation to face future challenges, to deal with complex problems, to understand increasingly networked systems, but also and above all to be responsible agents for change in the world. By equipping our students with the best resources, we will help them develop an analytical mind and the ability to grow in an uncertain but exciting future, to be able to anticipate and accompany changes in society. The multi-dimensional crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic underscores the urgent need for this.

At IMT Atlantique, we are committed to training responsible engineers, that is to say engineers who are both ready to face the demands of a world that is changing at a sustained pace and committed to maintaining humanity and respect for life on a long-term basis.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

KU Leuven Lovanio, Belgio 158 posizioni aperte
Ghent University Belgio 94 posizioni aperte
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano Bolzano, Italia 66 posizioni aperte
University of Luxembourg Lussemburgo 66 posizioni aperte
ETH Zürich Zurigo, Svizzera 63 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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