
Aix-Marseille Université

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Aix-Marseille Université is a research-intensive university of international standing, yet deeply rooted in its territory. Its reputation enjoys wide recognition and it was granted, in 2016, the national ‘’Initiative of Excellence’’ label. The university has successfully faced up to all the challenges it was confronted to in 2012, the year of its creation. It now pursues its ambition with the same boldness in the service of research, education and innovation — in one word in the service of progress.

Aix-Marseille Université is a major player in its territory and contributes to its reputation. Our campuses extend over four "départements" and meet stringent international standards. They offer modern and attractive facilities to more than 78,000 students and 8,000 staff. They boast modern tools and structures to exploit the full potential of its laboratories’ research work.

Every day, Aix-Marseille University is building new partnerships with socio-economic players in order to foster innovation and the integration of its graduates into the world of work.
The new educational offer, deployed in the autumn of 2018, is based on three main pillars: interdisciplinarity, dual curricula and an international perspective. The international strategy enables our community to have a strong presence on all continents, with a specific policy focusing on the creation of the European university, in concert with the Mediterranean basin. This new European Civic University (CIVIS*) will gather more than 380,000 students and 55,000 staff coming from founding members. Indeed, our Mediterranean mooring is a key facet of our identity and one of our driving strengths.

Aix-Marseille University gathers all the required attributes to meet the challenges of innovation: efficient organisation, interdisciplinarity, excellent research structures and educational offer. Thanks to its strong potential for multidisciplinarity, the university created interdisciplinary and intersectoral research clusters (PR2I) to foster interactions between disciplines. The innovation is at the core of Aix-Marseille University — the recent inauguration of the City of Innovation and Knowledge (CISAM), stemming from the determination of Aix-Marseille University and its partners, is just one instance. The CISAM is an emblematic space that forms an efficient chain of innovation: from the idea to the outcome.

The university’s contribution to research dissemination and transfer also includes the development of technology platforms serving its laboratories and economic partners, and the launching of territorial innovation clusters (PITs). The purpose of PITs is to identify initiatives that may lead to technological developments on Aix-Marseille University’s territory.

The university’s societal responsibility clearly appears in its commitments to promote sustainable development, to integrate physically-challenged staff and students, and to fight against all discriminations. Our everyday goals also include the improvement of students’ living conditions through access for all to health care, culture and sport, and the development of associative life.

The A*Midex Foundation (Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence) was created in January 2012 by Aix-Marseille University and its partners (CNRS, Inserm, CEA, IRD, ECM, IEP, AP-HM) in response to the PIA 1, and its Idex label was made permanent in 2016. The A*Midex Foundation participates in the implementation of innovative projects in education, research and attractiveness with an international scope. The A*Midex Foundation has a €26m annual budget and supports the Aix-Marseille site and AMU’s strategy in five areas: Energy; the Environment; Health and life sciences; Science and technology; the Humanities. Since the end of 2016, the A*Midex Foundation has fostered innovative and far-reaching synergies with the socio-economic and cultural actors. The Foundation’s ambition is to contribute to the prosperity and to the regional, national and international prestige of the university.

Aix-Marseille Université is a robustly-structured university where fostering our community spirit among staff and students is a priority. We are ready to meet new challenges in order to fulfil our ambitions: carry out our missions as a public service and consolidate our position as a world-class university.

*grouping Bucarest – Romania, Stockholm – Sweden, Brussel – Belgium, Tübigen – Germany, Madrid – Spain, Roma – Italia, Athens – Greece

Aix-Marseille University in a nutshell

78,000 students including 10,000 international students

8,000 staff

6 education and research fields

1 long-term Initiative of Excellence project

1 City of Innovation and Knowledge (CISAM)

1 European Civic University (CIVIS) in cooperation with 7 universities

5 large campuses

119 research structures

3 PIT (territorial innovation clusters)

6 interdisciplinary groups of thematic courses:

  • Aeronautics

- Big Data

- Handicap

- Sea and maritime-related activities

- Tourism

  • Aging

5 interdisciplinary research interests:

  • Energy

- The environment

- Health and life sciences

- Advanced sciences and technologies

- The humanities

Site web : https://www.univ-amu.fr/

Social networks

Twitter : @univamu

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/school/aix-marseille-universite

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/aixmarseilleuniversite/

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