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Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Berlin International is a state-recognized university of applied sciences with a distinctively international orientation. The university offers English-instructed bachelor and master programs in the disciplines Design and Business Administration. All programs lead to German degrees and conform to the quality standards and principles laid down in the European Bologna process. Internationality, interculturality and interdisciplinarity are core elements of the university’s mission and are integrated in all study programs.

Two-thirds of the students are international, as well as many of the carefully recruited staff members. Berlin International is part of a global education network, and thus enables and supports international collaboration in teaching, training and research. Equipped with modern classrooms, studios, workshops and facilities, the university provides an international campus in one of the most vibrant European cities. At Berlin International, intercultural skills and interdisciplinary approaches are fostered in and beyond classroom activities.

As a university of applied sciences, research activities aim to connect the university with the professional world. In accordance with our mission, interdisciplinary and comparative approaches are particularly encouraged. Covering a wide variety of topics, student and research projects are carried out in cooperation with partners from industry and design. The university’s Research Institute coordinates and supports research activities and serves as a platform for international guest researchers.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

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