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University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)

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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. Established in 2004, with the full approval of the Chinese Ministry of Education, we are run by The University of Nottingham with co-operation from Zhejiang Wanli Education Group, a key player in the education sector in China.

Quick facts

We offer degree programmes from  The University of Nottingham , taught in English, which are subject to the same quality assurance processes as in the UK.
The University of Nottingham is in the top one percent of more than 7,500 higher education institutions worldwide and league tables consistently rank the University highly.
With campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia, Nottingham is a world-class university with a truly global perspective.

Annual Report 2015

The newly published University of Nottingham Ningbo Annual Report 2015 is now available.

The report lists the most important achievements by faculties, institutes and personalities during the previous year in the areas of academia, research and funding. It also highlights key departmental aspirations and is meant as a yardstick by which to measure future attainment and development of the University.

The report also includes personal contributions from those at the very heart of what the University is aiming to achieve - including students, funding specialists, campus managers and recruitment professionals.

The report also features introductions from the President, the Provost, a student and a proud parent.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

Wenzhou-Kean University Cina 25 posizioni aperte
SynCat@Beijing Daxing, Cina 0 posizioni aperte
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou, Cina 0 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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