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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU

Diverse sedi Uppsala, Svezia
Alnarp, Svezia
Umeå, Svezia
Visita il sito web

Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a university with comprehensive knowledge of the sustainable use of biological natural resources, as well as of the environmental and life sciences.

Our activities span from genes and molecules to biodiversity, animal health, bioenergy and food supply. Urban and regional planning, sustainable urban and rural development and global issues such as climate change are also on the agenda. To summarise, our work is about how we can use biological natural resources from forests, soil and water without exhausting them and while preserving welfare for humans and animals alike. This is the fundamental principle that permeates the education, research and environmental monitoring and assessment at SLU. SLU’s knowledge is sought-after both by decision-makers and by the green sector (agriculture, forestry, fisheries etc.).

Research and education for life

Research and education at our university spans the range from genes and molecules to biological diversity, animal health, sustainable forestry and food supply – and all in a healthy environment. We are also concerned with global phenomena such as the global warming. A comprehensive view, interdisciplinary studies and applicability are the ethos of SLU’s research and education, and in our contacts with industry and society. At our university you will find people with an ardent interest and devotion to their work, and who combine traditional knowledge with a pioneer spirit.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Svezia 68 posizioni aperte
Karolinska Institutet Svezia 59 posizioni aperte
Örebro University Svezia 18 posizioni aperte
University of Gothenburg Svezia 18 posizioni aperte
Södertörn University Svezia 14 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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