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Montanuniversität Leoben

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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Montanuniversität Leoben is a technical university with a unique profile. The study programmes offered – with their specific focus areas – can only be pursued at Leoben. As a result, Montanuniversität graduates are amongst the most sought-after of all academics.
As one of the smallest universities in Austria, Montanuniversität offers its students (around 3,000) an outstandingly good infrastructure and the best possible attention from academic staff. Its smaller size is an advantage: intensive contact between students and lecturers means that problems can be solved quicker and more successfully. "Mass university" is a foreign concept in Leoben and, according to current surveys, the students here are more satisfied than almost any other university in Austria.

Excellent career prospects

Montanuniversität is traditionally closely associated with industry and economics. With a large number of projects in cooperation with various companies, students are integrated very early into a network that will later provide them with a head start into the professional world. Thanks to the strong application-orientated style of instruction, students are always kept abreast of the latest developments and rapidly find themselves at home in their vocations.
The unique education offered at Montanuniversität also means that it occupies a special position in the international education market. Graduates from Leoben are in greater demand than ever before – and industry is in need of even more experts.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) Austria 31 posizioni aperte
TU Wien Austria 12 posizioni aperte
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austria 6 posizioni aperte
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Sankt Pölten, Austria 6 posizioni aperte
MCI Entrepreneurial School® Austria 4 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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