
Mid Sweden University

Diverse sedi Sundsvall, Svezia
Östersund, Svezia
Östersund, Svezia
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Geographically, Mid Sweden University is located in the middle of Sweden, right at the heart of Northern Europe. It is a young university, but its roots go back more than 150 years. As early as in 1842, in the same year as the elementary school was established in Sweden, the decision was taken to place a teachers’ education college in Härnösand. Today, Mid Sweden University has three campuses, Härnösand, Sundsvall and Östersund, with approximately 20 000 students. Around 60 percent are campus students, while the rest engage in distance tuition via net based courses and programmes. Every year students from all over the world come to study at Mid Sweden University, and we firmly believe that the international element of any education is a measurement of quality. We have partnerships with a number of universities around the world for the exchange of students and staff. We offer courses for international students at all three campuses. As a university, we provide higher education of a high standard on undergraduate, post-graduate, and research study levels. We offer a wide range of course programmes within the social sciences, behavioural sciences, media, nursing, teachers’ education, information technology, natural sciences, technology, and languages as well as other subjects within the humanities. At Mid Sweden University, we integrate our research with the study programmes in a natural and intriguing way. In some subjects students may go on to the research programme, after having completed courses on the basic and advanced levels. One of the main characteristics of Mid Sweden University is a combination of the intimacy of a small college, enabling close contact between students and teachers, with the educational variety and resources offered by a large university. At Mid Sweden University, no one runs the risk of getting lost in the crowd. All students have the opportunity to get to know each other. It is precisely the intimacy and sense of togetherness that students forward as one of the most prominent advantages of Mid Sweden University. Mid Sweden University is the leading educational institution in the field of net based learning in Sweden. Approximately 40 percent of the students at Mid Sweden University study net based courses or programmes. The concept of flexible learning describes our approach to teaching and learning.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

KU Leuven Belgio 68 posizioni aperte
University of Luxembourg Lussemburgo 67 posizioni aperte
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Svezia 59 posizioni aperte
Ghent University Belgio 58 posizioni aperte
ETH Zürich Svizzera 55 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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