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Linköping University

Diverse sedi Linköping, Svezia
Norrköping, Svezia
Visita il sito web

Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Linköping University is a research-based university with excellence in education. LiU, as we often call it, is a multi-faculty university where research and education are equally important. Since the start in the late 60’s, Linköping University has been an innovator, creating new study programmes and new ways to tackle research problems. Innovation has become our tradition. Furthermore, we have always had strong dialogue with the surrounding business sphere and the community at large, both in terms of research and education. What LiU creates should be of benefit to the public. Together we can build a better, more sustainable world. The LiU campuses are situated in Linköping and Norrköping in East Sweden. The university is an important driving force for regional development. However, the mission is greater—Linköping University is a national and international player. World-class research is conducted within cuttingedge domains such as new materials, IT and disability research. Students come from all across the globe, with over 80 nationalities represented at LiU. Many LiU students study abroad for a semester or a year. The international perspective is essential when working to expand reality. Together we move the boundaries for what is possible. Together we can be bolder, go further and reach higher. Reinventing higher education. Being innovative and offering knowledge truly in demand has been the guiding-star of LiU ever since the start in the late 60's. We offer more professional education programmes than any other Swedish university. Students from Linköping University are among those who first obtain jobs and have the highest income average one year after graduation.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Svezia 66 posizioni aperte
Karolinska Institutet Svezia 59 posizioni aperte
Örebro University Svezia 18 posizioni aperte
University of Gothenburg Svezia 18 posizioni aperte
Södertörn University Svezia 14 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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