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IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Over the past few years the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems has built up a strong international reputation and now has over 2400 students from all over the world.
Our combination of academic and business expertise opens up excellent domestic and international career opportunities for graduates. We offer full- and part-time Bachelor and Master degree programmes in the following subjects:
  • Business
  • Health Sciences
  • Life Sciences

An international approach and practical focus are our leading priorities. University-level education tailored to professional requirements demands a solid academic background. And in order to equip them for the challenges of working life, IMC Krems students have the opportunity to study abroad – we currently have over 110 international partner universities – or complete an internship with one of our 1000 partner businesses worldwide. We believe in treating all of our students as individuals. Besides establishing friendships that last a lifetime, Krems is also a place where students can make important business contacts and forge relationships with potential employers. Studying at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems is all about

  • Developing personal talents and strengths
  • Questioning and analysing
  • Reflecting on individual impressions
  • Plotting your path to personal success, and
  • Remaining dedicated to lifelong learning

Note: IMC stands for International Management Center, the name of the managing company behind the University from 1994–2002.

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) Austria 31 posizioni aperte
TU Wien Austria 12 posizioni aperte
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austria 6 posizioni aperte
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Sankt Pölten, Austria 6 posizioni aperte
MCI Entrepreneurial School® Austria 4 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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