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Aalborg University (AAU)

Diverse sedi Aalborg, Danimarca
Copenaghen, Danimarca
Visita il sito web

Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Aalborg University provides high-quality research within the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering and health sciences and focuses on strong national and international world class research groups representing the academic areas of the University.

In recent years, Aalborg University has risen up the international lists of university rankings. Aalborg University appears on the great majority of ranking lists, and is among the top two percent of the world’s 17,000 universities. According to the 2018 MIT report, Aalborg University is considered to have the best engineering programme in Europe - a programme that takes fourth place in the world!

All degree programmes and research activities at Aalborg University are problem and project-based and have an interdisciplinary focus.

Through strong interplay between staff and students and intense collaboration with public and private sectors, we offer degree programmes with a real-world approach and provide world-class research. This results in new insights, new solutions to societal challenges and knowledge that changes the world.  

Aalborg University – regionally, nationally and internationally

Aalborg University meets regional demands for academically educated staff, research, innovation and communication, while collaborating with other Danish universities to meet national demands.

The international perspective is reflected in the university's research and education activities through the employment of international teaching staff, the establishment of student exchange programmes and international research collaboration.

The Network University

Aalborg University is currently strengthening its position as a network university. This entails collaborating with regional and national educational institutions in Denmark as well as the creation of consortia and collaboration networks with other national and international universities. In addition Aalborg University aims to collaborate constructively, and actively, with local educational institutions and business partners in order to enhance competence and business development in the various regions in which it is represented.

Facts about AAU

  • Number of students 19.926
  • PhD students 838
  • Academic staff 2.266
  • Research publications [2018] 6.356

Sede del datore di lavoro

Trova datori di lavoro affini

University of Southern Denmark Odense, Danimarca 2 posizioni aperte
University of Copenhagen Danimarca 0 posizioni aperte
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Kongens Lyngby, Danimarca 1 posizioni aperte
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Copenaghen, Danimarca 0 posizioni aperte
Altri datori di lavoro

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