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PhD, Postdoc, and Professor Salaries in the Netherlands in 2024

2 min. di lettura · Di Academic Positions

Salaries at Dutch universities are set at the national level and are outlined in the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO-NU). An academic’s salary depends on their position, qualifications, and experience. Dutch academic salaries are pre-tax and supplemented by an 8% holiday allowance (paid in May or June) and an 8.3% end-of-year allowance (paid in December). Although income tax is high (36.5% or 52%), foreign academics may qualify for the 30% ruling, allowing them to receive 30% of their salary tax-free.

Promovendus (PhD Student)

PhD candidates in the Netherlands, referred to as promovendus, are considered employees and typically hold a position as Assistant-in-Opleiding (AiO) or Onderzoeker-in-Opleiding (OiO). A Dutch PhD usually takes four years to complete.

In 2024, the salary for PhD candidates ranges from €2,618 to €3,333 per month, depending on seniority​ (Fastepo) ​(AcademicTransfer).


After completing a PhD, many researchers go on to postdoc positions, which typically last two to three years. Postdoctoral positions allow researchers to further specialize in their field and acquire new skills.

In 2024, postdoc salaries range from €3,821 to €5,230 per month, in line with scale 10 of the CAO-NU​ (NWO) ​(Fastepo).

Universitair docent (Assistant Professor)

This is the first permanent academic position, similar to an assistant professor. The contract is typically for four years, with the potential to become permanent after evaluation. Dutch universities also offer tenure-track positions for more experienced candidates, which can lead to promotion to universitair hoofddocent (associate professor) after a successful evaluation.

The salary for a universitair docent in 2024 ranges from €3,821 to €5,943 per month​ (Academic, research and science jobs) ​(NWO).

Universitair hoofddocent (Associate Professor)

A universitair hoofddocent is equivalent to an associate professor. Promotion to this position can now occur based on performance evaluations rather than through a job application process. It is a permanent position, and many academics remain at this level until retirement.

The salary range for a universitair hoofddocent is €5,294 to €7,097 per month​ (Academic, research and science jobs).

Hoogleraar (Professor)

A hoogleraar is equivalent to a full professor and represents the highest academic rank in the Netherlands. To reach this position, an associate professor must apply for an open position, as there is no automatic promotion. Professors in the Netherlands lead departments and are the only ones eligible to supervise PhD students.

The salary for a hoogleraar ranges from €5,864 to €10,309 per month, depending on qualifications and experience​ (Academic, research and science jobs) ​(AcademicTransfer).

Di Academic Positions  ·  Pubblicato 2024-09-13

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