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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

CRSA - Postdoc in Global drivers of key soil characteristics in drylands

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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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About UM6P

University Mohammed VI Polytechnic is an institution dedicated to research and innovation in Africa and aims to position itself among world-renowned universities in its fields. The University is engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development. A mechanism that enables it to consolidate Morocco's frontline position in these fields, in a unique partnership-based approach and boosting skills training relevant for the future of Africa. Located in the municipality of Benguerir, in the very heart of the Green City, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aspires to leave its mark nationally, continentally, and globally.

About CRSA

Center for Remote Sensing Application (CRSA) is a transversal structure across several UM6P Programs. Research within CRSA is organized around several major areas that aim to ensure the challenging Food and Water security goal in Africa, with a special focus on developing methods/tools that use multi-source remotely sensed data. The research aims to improve our understanding of the integrated functioning of continental surfaces and their interaction with climate and humans, with emphasis on sustainable management of natural resources (soil, land, water, agriculture) in the context of Climate Change. One of center’s goals is to provide a set of services and operational products to users (local, national and international) that aid in the decision support of water and food systems.

Job description

Global drylands are rapidly expanding, bringing with them increasing risks of desertification, salinization, and accelerated soil erosion caused by wind and water, which have significant impacts on the carbon and phosphorus cycles. This position focuses on investigating the key drivers influencing topsoil chemical properties in drylands worldwide and analyzing their spatial distribution. The research will utilize innovative remote sensing techniques, advanced modeling frameworks, and cutting-edge datasets to enhance our understanding of the spatial dynamics of these critical chemical properties in global dryland ecosystems.

Key responsibilities

  • Develop innovative modeling frameworks to analyze and understand the drivers and spatial distribution of critical topsoil properties in global drylands.
  • Process large-scale geospatial and remote sensing datasets using High Performance Computing (HPC) systems.
  • Conduct data analysis, and prepare reports, ensuring results are published in high- impact, peer-reviewed journals.
  • Actively participate in scientific events, including workshops and conferences, to present findings and engage with the broader research community.

Experience and Qualifications

  • PhD in Soil Science, Remote Sensing, Environmental Science or a related field.
  • Strong experience in Soil sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, pedology).
  • Demonstrated experience in advanced digital soil mapping and remote sensing.
  • Experience with handling large geospatial dataset using High performance computing (HPC)
  • Advances programming (e.g., Python, R) and GIS tools (e.g., QGIS) experience.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Strong publication record related to current position


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Dettagli del lavoro

CRSA - Postdoc in Global drivers of key soil characteristics in drylands
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Marocco
Scadenza candidatura
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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