KU Leuven

Exploring Stability of Lead-Free Perovskite-based X-ray Detectors – PhD Research position

2024-09-29 (Europe/Brussels)
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KU Leuven is an autonomous university. It was founded in 1425. It was born of and has grown within the Catholic tradition.

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The position is situated within the Department of Chemistry at KU Leuven University, one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Elke Debroye in state-of-the-art research facilities of the division of Molecular Imaging and Photonics.
This interdisciplinary research is comprehensive, spanning from material development to in-depth characterization, to the implementation and detailed study of prototype X-ray detector devices with novel techniques.
KU Leuven provides an ideal backdrop for this ambitious venture. The university hosts a plethora of science groups working on a wide array of subjects, both theoretical and applied. The splendid academic environment is complemented by the town itself – a medium-sized, vibrant student town with a rich history and diverse international community. This makes KU Leuven an excellent platform for interdisciplinary research collaborations and provides ample opportunities for academic growth and international networking.

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The growing demand for X-ray imaging requires sensitive X-ray detectors that allow the use of lower operational X-ray doses to decrease radiation-related health risks. Metal halide perovskites are semiconductor materials with outstanding optoelectronic properties, such as strong optical absorption over a broad energy range and good charge transport. These features turn them into excellent candidates for application in devices such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, sensors, and (X-ray) photodetectors. However, the intrinsic instability induced by unwanted crystal defects in popular lead-based perovskites induce a rapid decrease in their performance and stability and hinder their large-scale device application. 
In this PhD, the focus is to develop high-quality X-ray sensitive perovskite material layers and configure them in a customized X-ray detector device. The optoelectronic performance and stability in diverse configurations will be probed by applying an arsenal of electrical, spectroscopic and advanced microscopy characterization techniques for the careful assessment of the structural and photophysical properties. This way, the factor(s) hindering the long-term performance can be identified and remedied for the ultimate application of lead-free perovskites in low-dose X-ray imaging. 


The candidate not only demonstrates academic excellence but also possesses qualities of innovative thinking, a collaborative spirit, and enthusiasm and dedication to the project. Specifically, the candidate should fulfill (most of) the following criteria:
- Educational Background: Hold a Master in Science or Engineering in a relevant field, such as physical chemistry, materials science, or nanoscience, with a focus on materials- and/or device processing and optoelectronic characterization. 
- Technical Expertise: Have hands-on experience in the processing of perovskite materials and/or devices (in glovebox). Proficiency in structural, optical and/or electrical characterization methods such as X-ray diffraction, (time-resolved) spectroscopy or microscopy techniques, I-V or conductivity measurements. Optoelectronic device engineering is considered a plus. 
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Openness and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research that spans chemistry, physics, material science, and engineering. Ability to communicate effectively with scientists from various backgrounds, harness a multi-faceted approach to challenges.
- Soft Skills: A proactive approach to solve problems, create independent thinking and acting, while being an effective team member. Good written and oral English communication skills, including the ability to prepare manuscripts for international peer-reviewed journals and present research findings at international conferences.
- Adaptability: Willingness to adapt to new methodologies as the project evolves.


Funding is available for a 4-year PhD Research position, allowing you to focus on the research without the added pressure of securing external funding. Here are the specifics of the offer:
- Position Details: The position will commence by the end of 2024 – beginning of 2025, but this is negotiable, depending on your availability and the eventual arranging of a residence permit. 
The initial appointment is for a one-year period, which will be extended in case of a positive evaluation based on research outcomes and performance.
- Opportunities for Career Advancement: Opportunity to work on pioneering research in the field of optoelectronic materials with real-world applications. 
Chance to collaborate with leading experts in closely connected fields, providing an enriching experience and excellent networking opportunities.
You will be encouraged to present your findings at national and international conferences, further enforcing your academic profile.
As a PhD researcher, you’ll have the chance to mentor master thesis students, contributing to their academic development as well as honing your own supervisory skills.
KU Leuven's vibrant academic community provides a supportive environment for research, with various interdisciplinary workshops, seminars, and courses to broaden your knowledge and skills.
- Work Environment: You will be joining a diverse, multidisciplinary team that values collaborative research. You will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, including cutting-edge synthesis facilities and spectroscopic and microscopic tools.


We strongly encourage candidates who meet the profile criteria to apply. Your application should address various criteria and competences mentioned in the 'Profile' section of this position. This can be done through a cover letter and CV. Please include details of your past studies, internships, M.Sc. thesis and any relevant research experience that align with the project objectives. Additionally, you might submit an official test result showing your proficiency of English (preferably at a B2 level). This can be concretely shown by submitting one of the following:
• IELTS: minimal scores of 7 (General Score) and no subscores below 6.5
• TOEFL: minimal scores of 94 (General Score) and no subscores below 22
Looking forward to your application and possibly welcoming you to our team!
For more information, please contact: Prof. Elke Debroye, elke.debroye@kuleuven.be. 

KU Leuven strives for an inclusive, respectful and socially safe environment. We embrace diversity among individuals and groups as an asset. Open dialogue and differences in perspective are essential for an ambitious research and educational environment. In our commitment to equal opportunity, we recognize the consequences of historical inequalities. We do not accept any form of discrimination based on, but not limited to, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national background, skin colour, religious and philosophical diversity, neurodivergence, employment disability, health, or socioeconomic status. For questions about accessibility or support offered, we are happy to assist you at this email address.

Dettagli del lavoro

Exploring Stability of Lead-Free Perovskite-based X-ray Detectors – PhD Research position
Datore di lavoro
Oude Markt 13 Lovanio, Belgio
Scadenza candidatura
2024-09-29 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-09-29 23:59 (CET)
Tipo di lavoro
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

KU Leuven is an autonomous university. It was founded in 1425. It was born of and has grown within the Catholic tradition.

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