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University of Antwerp

Graduate teaching & research assistant in intellectual property law

2025-02-10 (Europe/Brussels)
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Let’s shape the future - University of Antwerp

The University of Antwerp is a dynamic, forward-thinking, European university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than 20 000 students, conduct pioneering scientific research and play an important service-providing role in society. We are one of the largest, most international and most innovative employers in the region. With more than 6000 employees from 100 different countries, we are helping to build tomorrow's world every day. Through top scientific research, we push back boundaries and set a course for the future – a future that you can help to shape. 

The Faculty of Law has the following full-time vacancy: Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant in Intellectual Property Law.


As a teaching & research assistant, you are part of the academic assistant staff (Dutch: Assisterend Academisch Personeel, AAP). You spend at least 50% of your working time preparing a PhD thesis. In addition, you play an assisting role in teaching, research and service activities.

PhD research

  • You work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis in intellectual property (IP) law. The PhD project fits within one the research lines of the Research group Government & Law and is within one of the following fields:is within one of the following fields:
    • IP and climate/environmental/food justice
    • Decolonial constructions of IP
    • Trust in and within Intellectual Property Systems
  • The specific topic of the PhD research is ultimately determined in close consultation with the supervisor, prof. dr. Esther van Zimmeren.
  • You organise your own PhD research and report on your progress regularly.
  • You participate in the doctoral study programme at the Antwerp Doctoral School to support your PhD pathway.
  • You present the findings of your doctoral research at scientific conferences and publish in scientific journals.
  • You contribute to attracting (inter)national research funding.


  • You provide support with teaching and also teach high-quality academic classes yourself in the area of IP law:
    • You will provide, among other things, legal skills education in the bachelor of laws.
    • You provide educational support for some course units, for instance in the Course European, International and Comparative IP Law and EU economic integration and internal market.
  • Your teaching role evolves along with the study programmes.
  • You supervise students and their Bachelor and Master dissertations and you assist in the evaluation of these dissertations.


  • You assist in ongoing research projects and the activities of the research group Government & Law, specifically in the field of IP law.
  • You present at academic conferences and aim to publish in scientific journals.
  • You contribute to attracting (intern)national research funding.


  • You play an active role in the academic and societal service provision of the Faculty of Law and the UAntwerp. You assist in student recruitment and alumni activities, supervise examinations and serve on boards and committees.


  • You hold a law degree or a master's degree in law or you will have obtained it by the time you start work.
  • You submit a PhD proposal (in English) that fits within the research programme of the research group Government & Law. This proposal of maximum 5 pages includes the following headings: ‘state of the art’, ‘research objectives’, ‘methodology’ and ‘bibliography’.

The prior conditions are conditions of admissibility.

  • You can demonstrate excellent study results, especially in the area of IP law. You substantiate this with a detailed overview of your study results (see 'Want to apply?').
  • You have an excellent knowledge of English. If English is not the language of one of your higher education degrees, you are able to express yourself fluently and spontaneously on complex (academic) subjects both orally and in writing in English.
  • You speak or are willing to learn Dutch, as this is UAntwerp’s administrative language.
  • You preferably already have an excellent knowledge of IP law.
  • You show an interest in interdisciplinary and/or empirical research. Actual experience with interdisciplinary and/or empirical research is a plus.
  • You show an interest in learning new research methods.
  • Your research qualities are in line with the faculty and university research policies.
  • Your teaching competences are in line with the University of Antwerp’s educational vision.
  • You can plan and organise your own work well (taking priorities into account).
  • You are self-reliant and stress-resistant.
  • You are motivated to work actively on your further professional development.
  • You act with attention to quality, integrity, creativity and cooperation.

What we offer

  • We offer an appointment as a teaching & research assistant for a period of two years. Following a positive evaluation, the appointment can be renewed twice up to a maximum period of six years.
  • Your gross monthly salary is calculated according to the pay scale for an assistant (academic assistant staff, AAP).
  • You will receive ecocheques, Internet-connectivity allowance and a bicycle allowance or a full reimbursement of public transport costs for commuting.                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • The planned start date is 15 September 2025 or as soon as possible after that date.
  • You will do most of your work at the City Campus in a dynamic and stimulating working environment.
  • Find out more about working at the University of Antwerp here and discover all the other benefits.

Want to apply?

  • You can apply for this vacancy through the University of Antwerp’s online job application platform until Monday 10 February 2025 (CET). Applications submitted after this deadline will be declared inadmissible. Click on 'apply', complete the online application form and don’t forget to include the following document(s):
    • a motivation letter – we strongly recommend not to send AI generated motivation letters, but to carefully tailor the motivation letter to the vacancy and to your own profile
    • your PhD proposal (see above, condition of admissibility)
    • a detailed account of your study results
    • your (academic) CV
  • The selection committee will review all of the applications as soon as possible after the application deadline. As soon as a decision has been made, we will inform you about the next steps in the selection procedure. Please note and reserve the following date: Thursday 27 February 2025 (online interview).
  • If you have any questions about the online application form, please check the frequently asked questions or send an email to If you have any questions about the job itself, please contact prof. dr. Esther van Zimmeren,,Tel. 0032 3 265 58 32.

 The University of Antwerp received the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award for its HR policy. We are a sustainable, family-friendly organisation which invests in its employees’ growth. We encourage diversity and attach great importance to an inclusive working environment and equal opportunities, regardless of gender identity, disability, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or age. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse characteristics to apply.

Dettagli del lavoro

Graduate teaching & research assistant in intellectual property law
Datore di lavoro
Prinsstraat 13 Anversa, Belgio
Scadenza candidatura
2025-02-10 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2025-02-10 23:59 (CET)
Tipo di lavoro
Salva lavoro

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The University of Antwerp is characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach.

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