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Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)

Research Engineer – Technology development and process integration for MEMS-based applications (f/m/d)

Salva lavoro


  • Technology development for MEMS-based devices in various fields such as optics, acoustic, inertial sensors from concept to prototype. 
  • Development and implementation of DOE to improve device performance. 
  • Microfabrication and prototyping in cleanroom facility by using 200 mm wafer level technology. 
  • Advanced testing of developed MEMS devices (electrical, mechanical, acoustic, …).
  • Scientific communication / reporting of research results.


  • Master + 5 years of relevant working experience  / PhD + 2 years of relevant working experience in relevant field (education in MEMS, microtechnology or similar fields).
  • Microfabrication experience in cleanroom, preferably for MEMS-based devices.
  • Experience in lab environment characterization for MEMS devices is a plus.
  • Proficiency in English, German is an asset. 
  • A team player with good communication skills.
  •  Willingness to relocate to Austria/Villach.


  • Diverse research activities with many technical challenges.
  • State-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment. 
  • Location in the heart of Europe in Austria – relocation support for non-European nationalities.
  • Internal and external training opportunities for career development.
  • Home office in Austria (max. 40%) and work from anywhere in the European Union possible (< 25%).
  • Family & children friendly - actively shaping the compatibility of family and career.
  • “Vital4SAL” to promote a healthy workplace (e.g. SAL coaching pool, trainings on mental health, physical activities, healthy snacks, 24/7 accident insurance)
  • € 4 per day meal allowance in restaurants or € 2 per working day in supermarkets.
  • Public transport initiative (subsidy for the “Klimaticket”) 
  • Our values: Open door policy, flexibility in working hours, casual dress code, diverse teams, working with people of different nationalities, informal communication, lifelong learning, compatibility of family and career, sustainability, personal growth, and collective advancement.

This position is subject to the Collective Agreement for employees in non-university research (Research CA) starting in occupational group E (E1 salary = EUR 3.827, paid 14 times a year) based on 38,5 hours per week). For this position we offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your experience and qualifications, starting with a minimum gross salary of EUR 61.000 (annual, based on an All-in contract).


Over the last years, SAL has esta­blished a 300 m² ISO-5 R&D clean­room faci­lity at the High Tech Campus in Villach: a conta­mi­na­tion-free envi­ron­ment with controlled tempe­ra­ture, humi­dity and pres­sure, furnished with state-of-the-art equip­ment to carry out micro­fa­bri­ca­tion and proto­typing of micro(opto)elec­tro­me­cha­nical systems (M(O)EMS), and advanced wafer level packa­ging.

In July 2022, a new buil­ding was inau­gu­rated, hosting an addi­tional 1,100 m² of clean­room space, making the SAL MicroFab the largest re­search clean­room complex in Austria with a total area of 1,400 m².

The new faci­lity will be equipped with batch process­ing tools that will enable indus­trial R&D and small series proto­typing, thus posi­tio­ning SAL MicroFab at the junc­tion between re­search deve­lop­ment and high-volume manu­fac­tu­ring.

Dettagli del lavoro

Research Engineer – Technology development and process integration for MEMS-based applications (f/m/d)
Datore di lavoro
Europas­traße 12 Villaco, Austria
Scadenza candidatura
Tipo di lavoro
Salva lavoro

Altri lavori per questo datore di lavoro

Mostrando lavori in Inglese, Italiano Modifica impostazioni

Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

In the network of science and industry, we carry out re­search at the highest global re­search level.

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