Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research

Seven Fully Funded PhD Student Positions in the Computational, Mathematical, and Experimental Plant Sciences

2025-01-05 (Europe/Berlin)
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THE GRADUATE SCHOOL | Our International Max Planck Research School on Understanding Complex Plant Traits using Computational and Evolutio­nary Approaches is a local colla­boration between the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research and the University of Cologne, Germany. Inter­national students are closely supervised by an advisory committee, receive trai­ning in professional skills, and are suppor­ted to share their scientific insights. All training is in English.

THE RESEARCH | The mission of our IMPRS is to study funda­mental bio­logical processes in plants and to create know­ledge and material that can empower inno­vative plant breeding. More than 30 research groups study regu­latory networks control­ling fundamen­tal traits, such as repro­ductive develop­ment, organ geometry and growth, innate immunity, and microbiome effects on plant performance. They apply and develop a broad range of inter­disci­plinary technologies ranging from gene­tics and genomics to struc­tural bio­chemistry, advanced imaging, and computational and mathe­matical modelling in various plant species. All available projects are detailed at where applicants will also find more information about the host groups.

YOUR PROFILE | You are a highly qualified and motivated student from any nationality and hold, or expect to hold, a Master’s degree in a related sub­ject. You have a proved track record of academic and research excellence and are fluent in written and spoken English.

OUR OFFER | We provide an excellent, inter­national and inter­discipli­nary research environ­ment with state-of-the-art facilities and a renowned faculty. Posi­tions are fully funded for three years with possible extension. Salary is based upon the frame­work of a Max Planck Society doctoral funding contract (TVöD 13, 65 %). We are committed to increasing the number of indivi­duals with disabi­lities in the work­force and encourage appli­cations from such qualified indivi­duals. Further, we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are under­represented and there­fore expli­citly encourage women to apply.


  • Apply online by January 5, 2025, at
  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interviews on March 10th till 14th 2025
  • Selected applicants will start the PhD between summer and October 1st, 2025


Dettagli del lavoro

Seven Fully Funded PhD Student Positions in the Computational, Mathematical, and Experimental Plant Sciences
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10 Colonia, Germania
Scadenza candidatura
2025-01-05 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2025-01-05 23:59 (CET)
Tipo di lavoro
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

We wish to determine whether and how a detailed understanding of molecular mechanisms defined in model plant species can be used to rationally mani...

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