Eötvös Lorànd University

Postdoctoral position in mathematics for artificial intelligence-based solutions in the finances

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The Institute of Mathematics at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship. The duration of the contract is one year. The Institute of Mathematics https://www.math.elte.hu/en/ with its around 70 employees and over 500 students is one of the leading institute in Hungary. It has a running grant, funded by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, titled Machine learning and its mathematical foundations https://ai.elte.hu/tkp/ which provides the funding of this position

What is expected from a successful applicant:

  • Completed PhD or equivalent in the field of mathematics or statistics or comparable field, earned not earlier than five years ago,
  • Good command in Python
  • Experience in developing deep learning models
  • Understanding financial models is a plus.

The main task will be: To participate in the development of machine-learning based models for parameter estimation in different financial processes.

We are looking for candidates with strong track record in research. Postdoctoral experience is a plus. The guaranteed gross salary is 600,000 HUF per month.

The submission deadline for applications is October 1, 2024, but the position will remain open until filled by a suitable candidate. Please send the following documents by the above date in e-mail to math_postdoc@ttk.elte.hu with the subject line "AI  Postdoc Position Application":

 - detailed professional CV,
 - list of publications,
 - one-page summary of past work (if not part of the above CV),
 - two-page summary of future research plans,
 - contact details of three professionals who can provide letters of references upon request.


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Dettagli del lavoro

Postdoctoral position in mathematics for artificial intelligence-based solutions in the finances
Datore di lavoro
Egyetem tér 1-3 Budapest, Ungheria
Scadenza candidatura
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Informazioni sul datore di lavoro

"Research: serving the future by discovering the present and the past."

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